While most teenagers know that it is illegal for minors to buy alcohol, many do not stop to think about how others suffer if they use a fake ID to buy it anyway. Store clerks, bartenders, and business owners who respect the law will check customers to make sure they are of legal age to buy and drink. However, if you are given very realistic fake IDs and unintentionally sell alcohol to minors, you could end up in serious legal trouble, and you will need a qualified Illinois criminal defense attorney to help.
According to Illinois law, it is illegal to sell or even give alcohol to anyone who is younger than 21 years old. Liquor store workers, bartenders, waiters, business owners, and homeowners are all obligated to follow this law, and a fake ID does not change that. According to the law, if you sold or gave alcohol to someone you should reasonably have known was underage despite what the realistic ID said, you can still be held accountable, and you could even go to jail for it.
The penalties increase in severity based on several factors. For a first-time offense, you would likely be fined up to $500. Repeat offenses can be sentenced with up to $1,000 in fines and possible jail time. If there are any aggravating factors, for example, if the person you sold or gave alcohol to ended up injured or harming someone else after drinking, you could face felony charges and be sentenced to several years in prison. If you work for a store or restaurant and are caught selling alcohol to an underage buyer with a fake ID, the business’s liquor license could be suspended or revoked and the owner could be heavily fined.
Even if you know you checked for proof that the buyer was of legal age, you need to treat the charges seriously. If you are convicted, you could face fines, jail time, and a permanent record that could follow you for years and prevent you from enjoying opportunities like employment, housing, and education.
The most important thing you can do is to remember your constitutional rights to legal representation and not to incriminate yourself. That means you do not need to and should not answer any questions the police ask you without a lawyer present to ensure that your rights are protected.
If you are facing charges for selling alcohol to someone underage, an experienced DuPage County, IL criminal defense lawyer can review your case and build a strong defense, especially if the person you sold to had a realistic ID. When you work with Davi Law Group, LLC, you benefit from Mr. Davi’s experience as a former prosecutor who understands how these cases work from both sides of the courtroom. Call 630-580-6373 today to schedule a free consultation.