Writing bad checks can land you in some serious hot water. If charged and convicted, you could be looking at time in prison and a hefty fine. Writing bad checks is considered check fraud and could fall under forgery or embezzlement, which are felony crimes. A felony is a permanent stain on your criminal record, which could negatively affect many aspects of your life. When charged with check fraud, you must seek a knowledgeable, skilled attorney to protect your rights.
Attempting to knowingly and fraudulently obtain money, credits, funds, assets, or any property a financial institution owns can lead to massive legal repercussions and penalties. This falls under deceptive practices according to Illinois law. The amount of money involved will usually determine the penalties for the accused. Check fraud is a complex case that can encompass many fraudulent activities, such as:
The holiday season is approaching fast, and you can expect to see an uptick in receiving packages to your door, good cheer, and Mariah Carey singing on every radio station. According to law enforcement, you can also expect an uptick in retail theft. For whatever reason, theft is on the rise during the holiday season, which means that theft and larceny charges will also be on the rise. Facing these charges is always better with an experienced criminal defense attorney on your side.
There is no one definitive answer to why holidays see a rise in theft. Theft occurs for many reasons that may be amplified by the time of season. Stress is likely the main culprit as it can connect with many holiday-related issues. Family get-togethers, losing a job, substance abuse, and financial complications can all be reasons someone may choose to commit larceny.
Most juveniles commit no more than petty crimes to some degree in their more rebellious years. However, it is not uncommon for a juvenile to also be charged with a crime. Getting a call from a police officer letting you know that your child has been arrested can be a nerve-racking experience. To fight for your child's future and help prevent a recurrence of criminal activity, you should work with a juvenile crimes defense attorney.
Considered by some to be the "gateway crime" for juveniles, their criminal activity will often begin with petty theft or larceny. A teen might steal something easily replaceable, like a pack of gum or trading cards from a convenience or department store. They are not so bad on the surface, but these unremarkable crimes can quickly turn into criminal theft in their later years, especially if these minor crimes go unpunished as they tend to do. First-time offenders may have a chance at rehabilitation for charges of petty crimes that could help them steer clear of a tarnished educational and occupational future.
Drugs are a serious issue in Illinois. Drug offenses are reported to be one of the most common types of crime on a national scale. The crimes come in many forms and carry charges from misdemeanors to felonies. But which drug crimes are the most common? No matter which drug charges you may be facing, it is always a good idea to have an experienced criminal defense attorney available to defend your rights.
It is unlawful in the state of Illinois to possess a controlled substance, as is the possession of drug paraphernalia. Possession is the single most common drug charge that prosecutors file each year. Drug possession charges can vary widely depending on the specific drug and how much the defendant possesses.
Illegal drugs can fall under five categories, referred to as Schedules:
Credit and debit cards are incredibly common in today’s society. The same can be said for fraudulent activities associated with these cards. The penalties that come with credit card fraud are entirely dependent on the crimes committed involving those cards. A skilled attorney with experience in credit card fraud defense cases could be your best option in fighting any charges you could be facing for credit card fraud.
Illinois statute specifically prohibits and penalizes various crimes in credit card fraud cases. Those crimes include:
Driving on a suspended license in Illinois is a serious offense. It is a criminal offense that can result in fines, jail time, and other penalties. The severity of the penalties will depend on the circumstances of the case, such as the reason for the suspension, your driving history, and whether you have any prior convictions for driving on a suspended license.
Anyone who is charged with driving on a suspended license in Illinois should contact a criminal defense lawyer. Even if you think you have a good case, it is important to have a criminal defense lawyer represent you. The prosecution will have experienced lawyers representing them, and you need someone with the same level of experience on your side.
The penalties for driving on a suspended license in Illinois vary depending on the circumstances of the case. A first-time offense is typically charged as a Class A misdemeanor, which is punishable by up to 364 days in jail and a fine of up to $2,500. However, if you have prior convictions for driving on a suspended license, or if your license was suspended for certain reasons, such as DUI, you may be charged with a felony.
It is illegal in Illinois to drive while using a handheld cell phone, texting, or using other electronic communication devices. This includes laptops, tablets, and other portable electronics. Using one of these devices while operating a vehicle is considered distracted driving. However, there are a few exceptions to this law, including reporting an emergency.
If you are charged with a traffic violation for talking on your cell phone while driving and you were reporting an emergency, you may be able to get the charge dismissed. To do this, you will need to provide evidence that you were reporting an emergency. An experienced traffic violations lawyer can help you secure the evidence you need to fight the charge.
An emergency is a situation that requires immediate assistance because of a threat to life, health, or property. Some examples of emergencies that will allow handheld cell phone use while driving could include:
You may be able to get a hardship license in the state of Illinois if your driver's license has been suspended or revoked due to a DUI charge. A hardship license, or restricted driving permit (RDP), allows you to drive to certain places at certain times, even if your license has been suspended or revoked.
The process for getting a hardship license in Illinois can be complex and time-consuming. It is important to speak with an attorney if you are considering applying for an RDP.
To qualify for a restricted driving permit (RDP), individuals with two or more DUI convictions, two statutory summary suspensions, or one DUI conviction with a statutory summary suspension from a separate DUI arrest must have a breath alcohol ignition interlock device (BAIID) installed in their vehicle. Additionally, those convicted of aggravated DUI stemming from an accident resulting in death, great bodily harm, or permanent disability or disfigurement must also use a BAIID.
In Illinois, it is prohibited to have illicit drugs such as cocaine or heroin. But what many people do not know is that even if controlled substances are absent, you could still face drug paraphernalia charges. That is because drug paraphernalia could be used for drug-related activities and it could land you in big legal trouble. You need an Illinois attorney who has helped many people in similar situations.
According to the Drug Paraphernalia Control Act, objects that are intended for the consumption, storage, or packaging of illegal drugs are considered drug paraphernalia. Here are a few examples:
Bongs or water pipes
The police can only decide who to arrest during a domestic disturbance call based on what they see after they arrive. What they see may be misleading and not representative of what actually happened. Often, the perpetrator of domestic violence is calm when the police arrive because they have been in complete control of the situation. The victim, however, is more likely to be in a highly emotional state due to having just been assaulted. Additionally, domestic abusers have a tendency to lie and blame the victim in order to avoid being arrested. There have been cases where the police have mistakenly arrested the victim. Famously, Utah police misidentified Gabby Petito as the aggressor in a domestic disturbance just weeks before she was found dead, having been murdered by her boyfriend. If you have been falsely accused of domestic violence while defending yourself, there are steps you can take to protect yourself legally. The first thing you do should be to call an attorney.