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5 Factors That Can Invalidate a Field Sobriety Test

 Posted on September 27, 2022 in DUI

dupage county dui defense lawyerOne of the first attempts made by an officer to discern whether a detainee at a traffic stop is under the influence is often field sobriety testing. Field sobriety tests are used to measure an individual’s level of impairment, and to build evidence to be submitted to a court of law following an arrest for DUI. Yet, the methods used in field sobriety testing are imperfect and frequently, the results are influenced by environmental, medical, or other factors that may negate the test’s effectiveness. The imperfections in these testing techniques lie in the fact that these tests are typically administered outdoors, in whatever location the detainee has stopped their vehicle after observing an officer’s order to pull over. A skilled attorney may be able to argue that the results of a field sobriety test have been influenced by factors other than intoxication and effectively null their worth as evidence in a DUI case. 

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Understanding Your Illinois Assault Charges

 Posted on September 02, 2022 in Criminal Law

wheaton defense lawyerOn its face, the crime of assault seems very simple. Most people think of assault as almost synonymous with “attack,” when it really is not. Some people are perplexed when they learn that they have been charged with assault due to this confusion. We frequently hear defendants wonder why they are facing assault charges because they did not hit, push, or even make physical contact with another person. Hitting, pushing, or purposely injuring someone would fall under the umbrella of “battery.” “Assault” on the other hand, simply refers to the act of making someone believe that you are about to commit battery. You should also know that the definition of batter is not as limited as you may believe. If you are facing battery or assault charges in Illinois, it is important that you take the matter very seriously and find a criminal defense attorney. 

Defining Battery in Illinois

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If I am a Minor, Could I be Tried as an Adult in Illinois?

 Posted on August 22, 2022 in Juvenile Law

DuPage County Criminal Defense AttorneyHaving a juvenile criminal record can certainly have an impact on your future. When you go to apply for colleges or jobs after high school, your juvenile record is likely to come up. However, a juvenile record can typically be expunged or sealed fairly easily in adulthood. If you stay out of trouble as an adult, your juvenile convictions can easily be forgiven or brushed off as a youthful mistake. If you are charged as an adult, however, your conviction can follow you for the rest of your life. You may be sent to jail or prison with adult offenders. This can be a very scary prospect. If you are unsure whether you will be charged as a juvenile or as an adult, it may be best to consult an attorney. An attorney may be able to take steps to keep your case in the juvenile courts. 

When Can a Child be Charged as an Adult in DuPage County?

Under limited circumstances, a child under the age of 18 can be charged as an adult and tried in adult court. If you are 16 or 17 years old and charged with murder, aggravated battery using a firearm, or sexual assault, you will automatically be charged as an adult. These crimes are considered very serious–if an older teenager commits one of these crimes, they are engaging in very adult criminal behavior. 

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Understanding Felony Drug Charges in Illinois

 Posted on August 08, 2022 in Drug Charges

DuPage County Criminal Defense LawyerA drug-related felony conviction can change your life. People with a felony drug conviction often struggle to find adequate housing, let alone a good career or educational opportunities. The “collateral consequences” of a drug-related felony are often worse than any judicial punishment. Even seemingly minor conduct involving controlled substances can lead to a felony conviction. The line between a misdemeanor and a felony is very thin when it comes to drug enforcement. Many people who are charged with a drug felony are not hardened drug dealers - they are members of the community struggling with addiction. Even possessing certain types of drugs for personal use could get you charged with a life-altering felony offense. If you are facing felony drug charges in Illinois, it is important that you are represented by an experienced and dedicated drug crimes defense attorney. 

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What is the Difference Between Domestic Violence and Assault?

 Posted on July 29, 2022 in Violent Crimes

Wheaton Violent Crimes Defense LawyerDomestic violence charges often lead to harsher sentencing than simple assaults. They are also a lot more stigmatized. One of the main differences between domestic violence and assault is who the victim is. A lot of people believe that “domestic violence” and “intimate partner violence” are synonymous, but they are not. In Illinois, you could be charged with domestic violence for assaulting someone who is related to you, who lives in your household, or who you used to be romantically involved with. It is not limited to someone you are currently in a relationship with. A lot of people are surprised to find themselves charged with domestic violence after a dispute with, for example, a roommate. An attorney may be able to help you reduce the severity of your charges. 

Who Can Domestic Violence be Committed Against?

If you are the primary aggressor in a physical altercation with a stranger or friend, you are most likely going to be charged with assault. While an assault charge is still serious and can land you in jail, a domestic violence charge can close doors in your future. Even if this is not the case, people may look at your conviction and believe that you were physically abusive toward someone you were in a romantic relationship with. 

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What You Need to Know About Drug Paraphernalia Laws

 Posted on July 19, 2022 in Drug Charges

Wheaton Criminal Defense AttorneyIt is commonly believed that you cannot get in legal trouble for drugs if you do not have any drugs on you. Unfortunately, you can still be arrested if you do not have any drugs, but do have the tools to use them. Interpreting the laws surrounding drug paraphernalia can be complicated. A lot of normal household items, like cotton balls, can be used to prepare illegal substances for use. Then, there are types of pipes that could be used legally for tobacco or cannabis, or illegally for smoking other drugs. If you find yourself facing charges for possessing drug paraphernalia, it is important that you take the charge very seriously. A serious paraphernalia charge can be just as bad if not worse than a charge for possessing a small quantity of the illegal drug itself. 

3 Things You Should Know About Drug Paraphernalia in Illinois

The definition of paraphernalia can change over time. Just a few years ago, a water pipe - or as most people would call it, a bong - could be considered paraphernalia if there was evidence suggesting that it was being used for cannabis rather than tobacco. Today, it is generally legal for adults to use whatever type of smoking apparatus they please to consume cannabis. 

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What Illinois Gun Owners Should Know About Red Flag Laws

 Posted on June 17, 2022 in Weapons Charges

DuPage County Criminal Defense AttorneyThe Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution protects Americans’ right to own firearms. However, the right to own or carry a gun is limited by federal and Illinois laws. The Illinois Firearms Restraining Order Act, often called the “red flag law,” allows for the confiscation of an individual’s firearms and prohibits the person from purchasing additional firearms. If you own a firearm in Illinois or you are facing criminal charges related to the possession or use of a firearm, it is crucial that you understand how red flag laws can affect you.

Suspension of a Person’s Firearm Privileges

Recent school shootings have put gun ownership in the national spotlight. Many people believe that gun ownership is a constitutional right while others think that reducing the number of guns in the U.S. will reduce gun violence. Whatever your opinions on the matter, it is important to understand how Illinois law can affect your ability to own or purchase firearms.

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Retail Theft Can Be a Felony Offense Punishable by Serious Jail Time

 Posted on June 10, 2022 in Theft

DuPage County Shoplifting LawyerShoplifting and other forms of retail theft have been on the rise for the last few years. Many people who take something from the store without paying see the act as a victimless crime. Stealing an item from a big box store with millions of dollars in assets may seem inconsequential. However, being convicted of retail theft can have serious repercussions. In some cases, shoplifting can even be a felony offense.

If you or a loved one were accused of theft, contact a criminal defense lawyer for personalized legal help right away.

Misdemeanor Charges for Shoplifting

The severity of theft charges in Illinois depends on the value of the allegedly stolen items. If someone is accused of stealing property worth less than $300, it is a Class A misdemeanor offense. Misdemeanor theft is punishable by a maximum fine of $2,500 and, possibly, jail time. Fortunately, individuals charged with misdemeanor retail theft may eventually expunge or seal their criminal records. This hides the record of the arrest from employers, landlords, and the general public. This option is not typically available for felony retail theft charges.

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Top Questions About Expungement in DuPage County

 Posted on May 25, 2022 in Criminal Law

Wheaton Criminal Defense LawyerCriminal records are public information. If someone is charged with a crime, anyone can view the arrest record with a few clicks of the mouse button. Not only does a criminal record harm an individual's personal reputation, it can also prevent that person from securing adequate housing and employment.

If you have a criminal record, you may be interested in getting your record expunged. Read on to learn about expungement and record sealing in Illinois.

Do I Have a Criminal Record if I Was Never Convicted?

In the United States, people are considered innocent until proven guilty in court. Consequently, many people assume that merely being arrested or charged with a crime does not result in a criminal record. Unfortunately, this is not the case. Being arrested is recorded and anyone can view the record of the arrest.

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Illinois Residents Can Still Face Marijuana-Related Criminal Charges

 Posted on May 12, 2022 in DUI

Wheaton Marijuana Defense LawyerIllinois is one of 18 states that legalized the use of marijuana for recreational purposes. However, that does not mean that anyone can use this substance at anytime without consequence. There are still many marijuana-related laws on the books, including laws limiting the quantity of marijuana a person can possess and where he or she can possess it. For example, Illinois law prohibits the use of cannabis in schools or on public transportation. It is also illegal to drive under the influence of cannabis.

If you or a loved one were charged with a cannabis-related offense, do not make the mistake of taking these charges lightly. While the use of marijuana is legal in certain circumstances, it is still possible to face significant criminal penalties for a marijuana offense.

Driving Under the Influence of Cannabis

THC is the component in cannabis plants responsible for the “high” or cognitive effects of the substance. Individuals under the influence of THC usually experience slowed reaction time, reduced coordination, and impaired judgement. Multiple scientific studies show the relationship between cannabis use behind the wheel and impaired driving. Consequently, it is illegal for Illinois drivers to drive while under the influence of marijuana–even if the driver has a valid medical marijuana card.

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Davi Law Group, LLC handles criminal law matters for clients in Chicago and throughout the western suburbs including DuPage County, Will County, Kane County, Kendall County and Cook County and the cities of Aurora, Bloomingdale, Bolingbrook, Carol Stream, Darien, Downers Grove, Elmhurst, Geneva, Glen Ellyn, Hinsdale, Joliet, Kendall County, Lisle, Lombard, Naperville, Oak Park, Oak Brook, Oswego, Park Ridge, Roselle, St. Charles, Villa Park, Warrenville, Wheaton, Winfield, Woodridge and Yorkville.